Friday, August 31, 2012

Short Story Test

Bell ringer:
Tuesday, 8/28 - Determine the meaning of the underlined word using the context clues surrounding the term.  Circle the context clues.

The ________ of refreshment is drinking an ice-cold lemonade on a sizzling hot day.

  • Students take their Short Story Terms Test

Short Story Terms Test

Friday, 8/31: Use the following words in an Original sentence.....Use context clues and circle them


R11.B.1: Understand components within and between texts.
Understand fiction appropriate to grade level.
R11.A.2: Understand nonfiction appropriate to grade level.
-Analyze inferences and draw conclusions based on text
-Analyze the effectiveness of figurative language

Monday, August 27, 2012

8/28- 8/29 "The Monkey's Paw"

Bell ringer:
Tuesday, 8/28 - Determine the meaning of the underlined word using the context clues surrounding the term.  Circle the context clues.
Florence Nightingale, the famous nursing reformer, had the eccentric habit of carrying a pet owl around in one of her pockets.
A. ordinary    B. odd  C. careful
Wednesday, 8/29 - Determine the meaning of the underlined word using the context clues surrounding the term.  Circle the context clues.

 The great ballplayer and civil rights leader Jackie Robinson was the epitome of both physical and moral strength.
A. a perfect model  B. an opposite  C. a main cause

Thursday, 8/30-Determine the meaning of the underlined word using the context clues surrounding the term.  Circle the context clues

Adamant in his support of gun control, Senator Keen won’t give in to pressure from powerful opponents.
A. firm      B. uncertain      C. flexible
  • Students will be introduced to the story, "The Monkey's Paw"
  • The students will read and comprehend the short story “The Monkey’s Paw” on pages 31-41.
  • The students will make predictions based on the short story, “The Monkey’s Paw”.
1. Students will read the introduction to "The Monkey's Pay" and the author, WW Jacobs on page 31
2. Students will discuss FATE and Irony
3. Students will make predictions about the "TMP" and begin reading
4. Students will discuss literary terms:  Plot elements, irony, tone, mood, foreshadowing
5. Students will discuss and analyze the outcome of the story
6. Students will Answer questions on page 42 and complete a worksheet

**Short story terms test 1 Friday

Tuesday, 8/28 ◦Closure:  use ECCENTRIC in a complete sentence.  Circle your context clues.

Wednesday, 8/29- Closure: Use the word EPITOME in a complete sentence.  Circle your context clues.

Thursday, 8/30 -  Closure: Use the word ADAMANT in a complete sentence.  Circle your context clues

R11.B.1: Understand components within and between texts.
Understand fiction appropriate to grade level.
R11.A.2: Understand nonfiction appropriate to grade level.
-Analyze inferences and draw conclusions based on text
-Analyze the effectiveness of figurative language

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Monday, 8/27
**Period 2 will follow the lesson from Friday, 8/23 and continue taking notes.  (The class is behind as a result of class meetings last week).  They will complete today's bell ringer.

Bell Ringer:

In the ring, the two boxers were antagonists,  but in their private lives they were good friends.
A. a supporter     B. an enemy     C. an example

Goals: Students: 
Students will complete a pre-reading strategy by writing a response as a prediction to story outcomes.
Students will be introduced to TURNITIN.COM

1. Students will sign-on to a new account to
Period 2 class id:  5421862
Password: period2

Period 7 Class id:  5421871

Password: period7
Once signed in, students will answer the following questions: 
1. Should people be content with his/ her life as it is? Why/ Why not?
2. Define FATE
3. Should people attempt to change fate?  Why?/ Why not?

-Please answer in paragraph form
-Remember to restate each question in your response
- Please remember to use specific example in your answer
**Each response must have an intro. , middle and conclusion.

Closure:  Use the Bell Ringer word in a complete sentence.  CIRCLE the context clues in your sentence.

Academic Content Standards:
15.1.11A- Write with a distinctive focus.
1.5.11B- Write using well-developed content appropriate for the topic.
1.5.11C- Write with controlled organization.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Students will define words using context clues
Students will discuss and understand short story terms
The students will identify, recognize and recall literary terms and definitions.
Students will review and practice the note taking process

1. Students will complete a daily bell ringer in their notebooks:
(Each day students will practice defining words through context clues)

Bell Ringer- For each bell ringer, you will write the correct answer and circle the relavent context clues in the sentence:
8/23 ◦Determine the meaning of the underlined word using the context clues surrounding the term.
My amiable dog greets both strangers and old friends with a happy yip and energetic tail-wagging.
A. intelligent  B. uncaring  C. good-natured

8/24  ◦Determine the meaning of the underlined word using the context clues surrounding the term. 
ILL will between the two families goes back so many generations that nobody remembers what originally caused the animosity.
A.  strong dislike      B. admiration  C.  great fear
2. Students will practice taking essential notes from lecture/ PowerPoint

Terms:  See Short Story Terms on PowerPoint

3. There will be a test on these terms on Monday, 8/27

Literary Notes                                                                            Literary Terms Power Point
                        Pen/Pencil                                                        Whiteboard



Write a sentence using the word amiable CORRECTLY in a sentence.  Remember to show meaning of the word within the sentence.
Write a sentence using the word animosity CORRECTLY in a sentence.  CIRCLE THE CONTEXT CLUES IN YOUR SENTENCE Remember to show meaning of the word within the sentence.
1.3- Read, analyze and interpret literature

1.3.9.C:   Analyze the use and effectiveness of literary elements used by one or more authors, including characterization, setting, plot, theme, point of view, tone, mood, and style.

1.3.9.D:   Analyze the use and effectiveness of literary devices (e.g., personification, simile, alliteration, symbolism, metaphor, hyperbole, imagery, foreshadowing, and flashback) used by one or more authors in a variety of genres.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Story Prediction Chart

DIRECTIONS: You can predict whether or not it will rain by looking at the sky.  You can also predict story events in a similar manner--you make an educated guess based on what you know about the characters, the situation and the logical pattern that many stories  seem to follow.  Use a chart like the one below to record and check your predictions.

**Do not fill in the ACTUAL OUTCOME COLUMN until you finish the story.

   PREDICTION                                      REASON                                               ACTUAL






