Friday, January 11, 2013

Reflective essay

Goal: Students will write a reflective essay
Students will incorporate elements of nonfiction
Who is your Role Model?
In this REFLECTIVE ESSAY, you will write about a person who inspires you.  It is the person who has had the most influence on your life.  (**A role model is the type of person who not only influences your life, but helps  shape the person you are)
Paragraph 1
This paragraph must contain the following information:
- (Thesis:  Who is your role model & why –specific influence)
-4-5 sentences containing background information
-Transition sentence into second paragraph.

**Your thesis DOES NOT have to be the second sentence.  You can organize your paragraph as you please.  Just begin with a motivator and end with the transitional sentence. 
(This paragraph should be a minimum of 6-8 sentences)
Paragraph 2
This paragraph must contain the following information:
-          Topic sentence (Why is this person your role model)
-          AT LEAST 3 specific examples that explain why she/ he is your role model
-          (You can use anecdotes, facts, or specific incidents)
-          Next explain each example.
(This paragraph should be a minimum of 9-10 sentences)
                -Transition sentence into third paragraph
Paragraph 3
This paragraph must contain the following information:
-          Specifically reflect as to why this person is your role model/ greatest influence
-          Discuss how your life is better because of this person or how you truly feel about this person.  Reflect how these events changed your life / made a difference.
-          Summarize
-          Conclude

(This paragraph should be a minimum of 4-6 sentences)

1. This paper must be typed in 12 pt Times New Roman
2. Double spaced
3. Meet the requirements stated above
4. All work must be submitted on -

11.B.2.2.1 Identify and interpret first and third person point of view
1.1.B.2.2.2  Analyze the effectiveness of the author's use of point of view
1.1.B.3.1.1 Analyze the use of facts and opinions n nonfictional text

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