Friday, April 19, 2013

Farhenheit 451

Farhenheit 451
     This lesson plan is for teaching around the themes of censorship,
ignorance and technology presented in
Fahrenheit 451.

Guy Montag is a fireman who lives in a society in which books are illegal. His job is not to
extinguish fires, but to light them. He burns books, and all the firemen
wear the number "451" on their uniforms because that is the temperature
at which books burn.
     But the role reversal of the firemen is not the only difference between
present-day society and the world in which Montag lives. People of
Montag's world take no interest in politics or world issues. The only point
of life is pleasure. Montag's wife, Mildred, spends her time watching the
televisions that take up three of the four walls in their parlor, or listening
to the seashell radios that fit snugly in the ear. It isn't until Montag meets
a young girl named Clarisse that he realizes that there might be more to
life than the electronic entertainment that absorbs everyone. Clarisse
makes him think about the world beyond the wall television and seashell
radios; she makes him wonder about life.

Bellringer: Interpret the quote:
"If they give you ruled paper, write the other way."

1. Pass out packet
2. Pass out books
3. Assign Vocabulary section 1
4. Begin to read: Pages 1 - 18
(Whatever is not read, will be homework)
5. Complete corresponding packet work.
CC.1.2.9-10.A: Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text.