Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Symbolism Project

Monday and Tuesday:
Students will discuss and identify elements of symbolism
Students will review the story :"Masque of the Red Death"

Bell Ringers: Select the correct answer and circle the context clues.
1. The pillar IMPEDED my ability to see the screen
A. Halt; stopping    B. Poverty  C.Route; travel plan   D. Blocked; obstructed E. Plots; schemes

2. After the sudden CESSATION of the car alarm, the silence seemed deep.
A. Halt; stopping B. Poverty C.Route; travel plan D. Blocked; obstructed E. Plots; schemes

3As part of our ITINERARY, we will be in Cleveland on Saturday.

A. Halt; stopping B. Poverty C.Route; travel plan D. Blocked; obstructed E. Plots; schemes
4. The twins whispered together and laughed, cooking up one of their INTRIGUES.
A. Halt; stopping B. Poverty C.Route; travel plan D. Blocked; obstructed E. Plots; schemes

5  Many lost their jobs, and the number of people living in INDIGENCE.
A. Halt; stopping B. Poverty C.Route; travel plan D. Blocked; obstructed E. Plots; schemes
Terms: Personification, Metaphor, Simile, Tone, Mood, Irony, Onomatopoeia, Plot structure


Students will work on a symbolism project for the story

1. In groups students will make a blueprint of the castle (as it is described in the story)
2. Students will color each room and label and explain
3. Students will add extra symbolic elements: (include them in your drawing.  Label and explain)
A. The story itself
B. Prince Prospero
C. The Clock
D. The Band
E. The revelers
F. The Masqued figure

G. Brazier of Fire
4. Once the blueprint is finished, students will indicate the meaning(s) of each symbol.  (Including each room)
Ex. In the blue room, list any possible symbols
Blue is calming. It can be strong and steadfast or light and friendly. Almost everyone likes some shade of the color blue.  
5. Please make a rough copy
6. Your final copy will be graded for completeness and neatness

Due: Friday at the end of the period

R11.B.1: Understand components within and between texts.
Understand fiction appropriate to grade level.
R11.A.2: Understand nonfiction appropriate to grade level.
-Analyze inferences and draw conclusions based on text
-Analyze the effectiveness of figurative language

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