Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Monkey's Paw

Wednesday, 9/10, Thursday, 9/11 and Friday 9/12

Bell Ringer
Circle the context clues in the sentence.  Select the correct answer

Circle the context clues in the sentence.  Select the correct answer
1. His teeth were exposed in a frozen grimace.  
A. Skillfulness      B. Unnoticeable    C. Twisted facial expression

2.The strength was gone from his legs;  his shivering hands--numb, cold and desperately rigid had lost all deftness.
 A. Skillfulness      B. Unnoticeable    C. Twisted facial expression

3. By a kind of trick--by concentrating his entire mind on first his left foot, then his left hand, then his other foot, then his other hand--Tom Benecke was able to move almostimperceptibly.
 A. Skillfulness      B. Unnoticeable    C. Twisted facial expression

Today, we will go over the plot structure and questions from "Contents of A Dead Man's Pockets"

Quiz to follow9/11
1. Students will read "The Monkey's Paw" on page46 in the packet 
2.Students will discuss "Fables and Folk Lore"
3. Students will make predictions about the "Monkey's Paw" 
4. Students will discuss literary terms:  Plot elements, irony, tone, mood, foreshadowing
5. Students will discuss and analyze the outcome of the story
6. Students will Answer questions on page 53 and complete a worksheet
7. Students will complete structure worksheet

Assessment:  There will be a short quiz following the reading

Begin your vocab homework...Unit 14....due on Friday

R11.B.1: Understand components within and between texts.
Understand fiction appropriate to grade level.
R11.A.2: Understand nonfiction appropriate to grade level.
-Analyze inferences and draw conclusions based on text
-Analyze the effectiveness of figurative language

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