Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Writing an essay question

3. Still farther over, their images burned on the wood in one TITANIC instant.
A. Having great power B. With danger mental disorder C. Making illegal imitations D.Trembling; quivering  E. Maze like passages

4. The leaves of TREMULOUS palm trees swayed in the cold wind.
A. Having great power B. With danger mental disorder C. Making illegal imitations D.Trembling; quivering  E. Maze like passages

Wednesday/ Thursday- 

Goal: Students will be able to understand how to answer a prompt/ essay question

1. Students will go over vocab lesson 2
2. Students will turn in 15 original sentences using context clues
3. Students will review steps to writing an essay question

Wednesday- Assessment
1. Students will review essay structure and methods to answer an essay question.

Steps to writing an essay question:

Applying the organizational strategies discussed in today's lesson, students will write a journal on the following:
They say you can't judge a book by its cover.  How does this saying apply to all five of the main characters in "Hearts and Hands" and "The Open Window"?Be specific and use examples.

Thursday -  Students will finish their essays and submit their work to www.turnitin.com

Be sure you keep a clear focus. (Stick to a yes or no answer. NO MAYBE)
Pay attention to your grammar.
Give as many examples as possible to support your stance.
Make sure you justify each of your key points with support.

5 Paragraph essay format LINK
5 Paragraph Outline LINK
R11.B.1: Understand components within and between texts.
Understand fiction appropriate to grade level.
R11.A.2: Understand nonfiction appropriate to grade level.
-Analyze inferences and draw conclusions based on text
-Analyze the effectiveness of figurative language

Academic Content Standards:
15.1.11A- Write with a distinctive focus.
1.5.11B- Write using well-developed content appropriate for the topic.
1.5.11C- Write with controlled organization.

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