Monday, December 10, 2012


Goal: Students will read, comprehend and interpret poetry
Students will apply poetry terms during reading sessions

Monday, 12/10-
I. Students will be introduced to Elizabeth Bishop (p. 262 in text)
Students will read the poem and practice making predictions
In groups, students will pull out their analysis paragraphs and debate their interpretation of the poem versus the author’s purpose
2. Students will read and discuss the poem.
3. Assessment: Questions on page 267 of text
Tuesday, 12/11- Wednesday, 12/12
1.       Students will be introduced to Rudyard Kipling p 846 and Dramatic Poetry
2.       Students will discuss inferences.
3.       Students will read the poem, Danny Deever p. 850
4.       Students will discuss the poem and its poetic elements
5.       Students will answer questions on pg. 851
1.       Students will be introduced to the sonnet
2.       Students will discuss the structure, rhythm and format of the poem
3.       Students will be introduced to William Shakespeare p. 864

View: 60 second videos on Shakespeare and the Shakespearean sonnet
4.       Students will read and analyze “Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day.”
5.       Students will discuss the poem and answer questions on page 869

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