Monday, September 15, 2014

The Monkey's Paw

Bell Ringer
Circle the context clues in the sentence.  Select the correct answer

Circle the context clues in the sentence.  Select the correct answer
1. If you enjoy COVERT activities, become a secret agent.
a. Obvious     b. Concealed   C. Easy to bear     D. Popularity

2. The wealthy benefactor who paid for the child's operation prefers to remain anonymous
a. financial supporter    b. social critic  c. cooperative person
1. After a long game in the August heat, the young baseball players ALLEVIATED
their thirst with ice-cold water.
A. To consider      B. "To hide    C. To ease

2. Mr. Smith was a CYNIC about people until he fell down on a street corner and several strangers rushed to his aid
a. Someone who believes the worst     B. Someone who gives help    C. Someone with a bad reputation.


Vocab Quiz on Wednesday

Quiz to follow9/11
1. Students will read "The Monkey's Paw" on page46 in the packet 
2.Students will discuss "Fables and Folk Lore"
3. Students will make predictions about the "Monkey's Paw" 
4. Students will discuss literary terms:  Plot elements, irony, tone, mood, foreshadowing
5. Students will discuss and analyze the outcome of the story
6. Students will Answer questions on page 53 and complete a worksheet
7. Students will complete structure worksheet

Assessment:  There will be a short quiz following the reading

Write original sentences using your bell ringer words each day.  Underline your context clues.

R11.B.1: Understand components within and between texts.
Understand fiction appropriate to grade level.
R11.A.2: Understand nonfiction appropriate to grade level.
-Analyze inferences and draw conclusions based on text
-Analyze the effectiveness of figurative language

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