Sunday, November 4, 2012

"Masque of the Red Death"

To make up for the hurricane days, there will be No Bell Ringers this week.

Students will be introduced to the story, "Masque of the Red Death"

Students will read about Edgar Allen Poe: Text pg. 339
1. Edgar Allen Poe (use web code: eqe 9210)

2. Students will discuss the Red Death: Text pg. 339
-Ring Around the Rosy: Ring around the Rosy? Yes, you read it right. Most all of us know this common nursery rhyme, but do you know where it originated? Ring around the Rosy is actually a song about the Black Plague that originated in England. It says, "Ring around the rosy" meaning the red, rosy rings that form around the sores when you are infected. "Pocket full of Posy" resembles the sweet-smelling herbs, called posies, that were placed in peoples' pockets because they thought that bad smells contracted disease. "Ashes, Ashes, we all fall down" is translated to be the massive amounts of death and cremation of bodies during the 14th century in Europe when the disease broke out. Not such a fun and friendly nursery rhyme anymore, is it?

-Facts about the Black Death-

3.Students will learn about Symbolism-
Students will read page 338 in their text
- Symbols around us; In pairs, students should make a list of symbols encountered in everyday life...for example:  A green light tells you that it is your turn to go;  A red light tells you that it is your turn to stop;  A bell may signal the beginning of the school day 
Now it is your turn: List as many symbols as you can and indicate their meaning
Students will go over Vocab Unit 6
Wednesday and Thursday- Students will read and take notes on "Masque of the Red Death" page 340
Friday: Students will Complete the follow up questions on page 348
All answers will be written in the notebook and discussed
Students will complete the Plot Structure Worksheet
R11.B.1: Understand components within and between texts.

Understand fiction appropriate to grade level.
R11.A.2: Understand nonfiction appropriate to grade level.
-Analyze inferences and draw conclusions based on text
-Analyze the effectiveness of figurative language

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