Monday, November 12, 2012

Masque of the Red Death

Bell Ringer:
Monday, 11/12-
1. After the sudden CESSATION of the car alarm, the silence seemed deep.
A.  exercising cautious judgement  B. Includes specific parts of an agreement   C. halt; stopping     D. rid of impurities or pollution     E. In spite of; however

Tuesday, 11/13
2. In the contract, he STIPULATES a May deadline.
A.  exercising cautious judgement  B. Includes specific parts of an agreement   C. halt; stopping     D. rid of impurities or pollution     E. In spite of; however

Wednesday, 11/14
3. It is not PURDENT to go out in the cold without a jacket.
A.  exercising cautious judgement  B. Includes specific parts of an agreement   C. halt; stopping     D. rid of impurities or pollution     E. In spite of; however

Thursday, 11/15
4. Using a filter, he PURIFIED the water
A.  exercising cautious judgement  B. Includes specific parts of an agreement   C. halt; stopping     D. rid of impurities or pollution     E. In spite of; however

Friday, 11/16
5. He expressed regret: NEVERTHELESS, the judge ruled harshly.
A.  exercising cautious judgement  B. Includes specific parts of an agreement   C. halt; stopping     D. rid of impurities or pollution     E. In spite of; however

Goal: Students will learn to analyze the story "Masque of the Red Death"
Students will discuss and identify elements of symbolism
Students will review the story :"Masque of the Red Death"

In pairs, students will work on the Analysis worksheet for the story; and the Plot Structure worksheet

Students will complete Vocab review lesson 1-6
Students will play a review game

Wednesday and Thursday:
Students will work on a symbolism project for the story
1. In groups students will make a blueprint of the castle (as it is described in the story)
2. Studetns will color each room
3. Students will add extra symbolic elements:
Prince Prospero
The Clock
The Band
The revelers
The Masqued figure
4. Once the blueprint is finished, students will indicate the meaning(s) of each symbol.  (Including each room)

5. Please make a rough copy
6. Your final copy will be graded for completeness and neatness

Vocab Review Test

R11.B.1: Understand components within and between texts.

Understand fiction appropriate to grade level.
R11.A.2: Understand nonfiction appropriate to grade level.
-Analyze inferences and draw conclusions based on text
-Analyze the effectiveness of figurative language

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