Sunday, December 22, 2013


Introduction to Nonfiction

1/6 and 1/7


 Goal: Students will be introduced to nonfiction

 1. Nonfiction- Factual prose writing.  It is literature that is true.  It is based on facts- real people, actual places and true incidents
-Through nonfiction, the author communicates his/ her own opinion and reveals their personality
-An author of nonfiction usually writes for a very definite purpose and audience.
-The author's TONE usually indicates the purpose and audience in mind
-The title and style may reveal the author's purpose in a piece of nonfiction

2. Exploring Essays and Speeches

Characteristics of Essays and Speeches

Essays are short works of nonfiction. Their authors are usually named and are always real people. Speeches are nonfiction literary works that a speaker delivers to an audience.
  • An essay - In French essai means "an attempt."  An author always has a purpose in writing an essay;  he or she writes to communicate a particular idea or opinion on a particular topic. The Essay examines and discusses a topic, often presenting the writer’s personal viewpoints. Essays typically explore ideas and opinions.
    • The essayist uses facts, details, incidents, and reasons to develop that idea or support opinion
    • FORMAL ESSAYS- are serious and impersonal
  • speech presents a topic and often marks a specific occasion. There are many types of speeches, ranging from informal talks to formal lectures.
Essays or speeches offer more than ideas and facts; they also express a writer’s style, tone, perspective, and purpose.
  • Style is the distinctive way in which an author uses language. Style reflects an author’s individuality and can be as unique as a fingerprint. Many factors contribute to an author’s style, including level of formality, use of figurative language, word choice, sentence patterns, and methods of organization.
  • Tone is the author’s attitude toward both the subject and the audience. When you listen to a speech, you can hear the speaker’s tone just as you do when you engage in conversations. Authors of written works convey tone through word choice and details. Tone is often described with a single adjective: formal, ironic, amused, angry, and so on.
  • Perspective is the viewpoint or opinion an author expresses. Bias occurs when the presentation of a viewpoint becomes so one-sided that a writer distorts facts or uses emotional language to unfairly influence the reader or listener.
  • Purpose is the author’s reason for writing or speaking. Common purposes include the following: to inform, to entertain, to persuade, to praise, to celebrate, to warn.

Types of Essays

Essays can be categorized by the mode of composition, or author’s purpose. 
  • narrative essay tells the story of real events or an individual’s personal experiences.
  • descriptive essay creates an impression about a person, an object, or an experience.
  • An expository essay provides information, explores ideas, or explains a process.
  • persuasive essay attempts to convince readers to take a course of action or adopt the writer’s position on an issue.
  • reflective essay conveys the writer’s thoughts and feelings about a personal experience or an idea.

Types of Speeches

Speeches can be categorized by their levels of formality, which are determined by the speaker, occasion, and purpose. 
  • An address is a formal, prepared speech that is usually delivered by someone of importance.
  • talk is an informal speech delivered in a conversational style.
  • An oration is an eloquent speech given on a formal occasion.
  • lecture is a prepared speech that informs or instructs an audience.

NOTES:  TYPES OF NONFICTION  - see worksheet for more terms

Check Your Understanding
Choose the letter of the answer that best matches each numbered item.
  1. a writer’s unique use of language
    1. descriptive
    2. style

    1. unfair presentation of facts
      1. bias
      2. address

      1. a history of World War II
        1. persuasive
        2. expository

        1. the story of an athletic triumph
          1. expository
          2. narrative

          1. playful, sarcastic
            1. tone
            2. perspective

              1. II. Students will review a PowerPoint and take notes
                    11.B.2.2.1 Identify and interpret first and third person point of view
                    1.1.B.2.2.2  Analyze the effectiveness of the author's use of point of view and purpose
                    1.1.B.3.1.1 Analyze the use of facts and opinions n nonfictional text
                    A Christmas Memory

                    Thursday, December 19, 2013

                    "One Perfect Rose" and "To Satch"

                    Poetry Quiz

                    Goal: Students will analyze poetry

                    I. Brief intro to the author's of both poems

                    Dorothy Parker
                    -Grew up in NYC
                    -Fashion writer, drama critic and author.
                    -Published volumes of short stories and poems
                    -Sarcastic attitude  For example, when she was told that President Calvin Coolidge, known for his poker face and rigid manner, had died, she replied, "How can they tell?"

                    Samuel Allen
                    (1917- present)
                    -Born in Columbus, Ohio
                    -Law degree from Harvard University
                    -Eventually concentrated in writing and became a college professor of African Literature

                    -His poem, "To Satch" is about Satchell Paige, Legendary black baseball pitcher -1948
                    -Satchell Paige once said, "How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?"  He had one of the longest professional baseball careers in history.


                    After the quiz, students will write a journal:

                    Pick one of the poems from our packet, and discuss how you or your life relates to it.  Use specific examples from your life and the poem.
                    Turn your journal into

                    1 page minimum

                    11.A.2.4.1 Identify main ideas and supporting details from the text
                    11.B.2.1.1 Interpret personification, simile, metaphor, hyperbole, satire imagery, foreshadowing and irony

                    Wednesday, December 18, 2013

                    Narrative Poetry

                    Goal: Students will read, comprehend, and interpret poetry
                    Students will relate poems to personal connections
                    Students will identify the speaker in the poem
                    Students will recognize elements of narrative poetry

                    Bell Ringer:  Explain the following statement:  One's immediate actions may result in immediate consequences.

                    Introduction to Rudyard Kipling:

                    Rudyard Kipling - 1865-1936
                    Most famous work:  The Jungle Book

                    Born in India to English Parents.
                    Spoke Hindustani and English as a child
                    Went to England for formal education
                    At the age of 18, he returned to India as a journalist

                    Many of his first poems appeared in newspapers
                    In 1907, he became the first English author to win the Nobel Prize for Literature

                    1. Students will read the poem pg 851 in the packet
                    2. Students will discuss How the passage has narrative and dramatic elements of poetry

                    Narrative poem- Tells a story and is usually longer than other types of poems.
                    -Like a story, a narrrative poem has one or more charaters, a setting, a conflict and a series of events that come to a conclusion

                    -Most narrative poems are divided into stanzas --- groups of lines that have the same pattern, rhythm and rhyme

                    Dramatic Poetry-
                    Poetry where one or more characters speak
                    Uses the words of one or more characters to directly convey what is happening
                    - Dramatic poetry creates the illusion that the reader is actually witnessing a dramatic event
                    A. How would you feel if you were in the regiment about to watch the hanging of a friend?
                    B. What might lead someone like Danny Deever to make a choice that he must have known would result in execution?
                    C. Describe the setting in Danny Deever
                    D. Of the two speakers, which has prior experience with military executions?
                    E. Why is Danny being executed?
                    F. What does Files-on-Parade mean when he says "I've drunk 'is beer a score o' times?"
                    G. Compare and contrast the two speakers
                    H. "Bitter cold" - CS excuse for the soldiers hard breathing
                    ""A touch o' sun" - CS excuse for a fainting in the ranks
                    Are these excuses believable?  What really accounts for the physical problems of the men?

                    "To Satch" and "One Perfect Rose"

                    Friday- Poetry test - Be able to apply all of your terms

                    11.A.2.4.1 Identify main ideas and supporting details from the text
                    11.B.2.1.1 Interpret speakerr, hyperbole, satire imagery, foreshadowing and irony

                    Monday, December 16, 2013

                    "Metaphor" and "The Wind Tapped"

                    Goal: Students will analyze poetry
                    Students will interpret and make conclusions about the meanings and structure of the poems
                    Students will be introduced to different structures/ formats of poetry:  sonnet, haiku

                    Terms: Figurative language, simile, metaphor, personification

                    Students will read two poems that contain imagery, metaphoric comparisons, 

                    I. Bell Ringer; 1. Students will take a blank sheet of paper.
                    2. Since it is a new year,, students will indicate an aspect of their life that they would like to change or start over with the new year.
                    3. They will have 5 minutes to write, draw and declare on their blank sheet of paper.
                    4. As a class, we will discuss their outlooks for the new year.

                    II. Students will be introduced to Eve Merriam
                    -1916-1992 from NYC
                    -She was a poet, biographer, radio writer, fashion-magazine editor and teacher
                    - She said, "Poetry is the most immediate and richest form of communication."

                    III. Students will read the poem "Metaphor" by Eve Merriam
                    (Pg 668 in their text; page 5 in the packet)

                    1. Students will discuss imagery, personification and the overall metaphor discussed in the poem

                    IV. Students will read a selection by another author who is famous for her use of imagery: Emily Dickinson
                    Emily Dickinson
                    -Regarded as one of America's greatest poets 
                    (1830- 1886) Amherst, Massachusetts
                    -As a young girl she was sociable,  However, as she got older she became withdrawn and avoided all contact with strangers
                    -Recluse - lived with her family, rarely left her home, never married
                    -wrote 1,775 poems - only 7 were published during her lifetime.

                    1. Discuss the following scene:  Imagine being home alone at night and it is very windy.  What do you hear?  What do you imagine?
                    - Students will read the poem (Pg 669 in text and pg 8 in the packet)
                    -Students will discuss imagery, personification and similies used in the poem

                    V. Compare and contrast the attitudes of the two authors

                    11.A.2.4.1 Identify main ideas and supporting details from the text
                    11.B.2.1.1 Interpret personification, simile, metaphor, hyperbole, satire imagery, foreshadowing and irony

                    Friday, December 13, 2013

                    "Generations" and "Night Clouds"

                    Goal: Students will be able to identify Cycles presented in text
                    Students will identify imagery and supporting details from text
                    Students will make inferences and draw conclusions based on text
                    Students will identify and evaluate text organization

                    Terms: Figurative language, imagery, simile and metaphor

                    Students will be introduced to Amy Lowell
                    Famous for her readings and lectures, as well as poetry.
                    Won Pulitzer Prize after her death for her writing
                    A pioneer of the Imagist movement
                    Influenced by haiku poets, the Imagists focused on a single, precisely presented image.
                    "Night Clouds" typifies Imagist poetry, with its strong central image and its rhythmic but irregular lines.

                    Pre- Reading discussion
                    "Generations"  will discuss their families and the importance of generations
                    "Night Clouds" will discuss shapes of clouds
                    1. Students will read the poems by Lowell: "Generations" and "Night Clouds"
                    2. Students will pick out Figurative language, imagery, simile and metaphor and imagery,
                    3. Students will discuss both poems
                    4. Students will analyze the cycles presented in both poems.
                    5. Students will compare and contrast both poems

                    11.A.2.4.1 Identify main ideas and supporting details from the text
                    11.B.2.1.1 Interpret personification, simile, metaphor, hyperbole, satire imagery, foreshadowing and irony 

                    Wednesday, December 11, 2013

                    The Fish


                    Goal: Students will read, comprehend and interpret poetry
                    Students will apply poetry terms during reading sessions

                    Monday, 12/10-
                    I. Students will be introduced to Elizabeth Bishop (p. 262 in text)
                    1911-1979- Born in Massachusetts, but loved to travel
                    Spent many years in Brazil.
                    1945- Springboard for her career- She won a poetry contest, and was published in her first book: North and South
                    "I think geography comes first in my work, and then animals.  But I like people, too."
                    -Mood: the atmosphere or tone of a poem.  The poet uses specific words, phrases, and images to convey the mood of the poem.
                    -In "The Fish," the poet says, "I looked into his eyes/ which were far larger than mine/ but shallower, and yellowed./ the irises backed and packed/ with tarnished tinfoil....."  
                    -These specific words convey the speaker's longing to understand the fish by looking into its eyes.  

                    Find examples in the poem that shows Bishop has experience catching fish.
                    Find an example in the poem where the author reveals atmosphere and tone
                    Discuss the "Medals" discussed in the poem.


                    Goal: Students will read, comprehend and interpret poetry
                    Students will apply poetry terms during reading sessions: Simile, hyperbole, tone, mood

                    Monday, 12/10-
                    I. Students will be introduced to Elizabeth Bishop (p. 262 in text)
                    Students will read the poem and practice making predictions
                    In groups, students will pull out their analysis paragraphs and debate their interpretation of the poem versus the author’s purpose
                    2. Students will read and discuss the poem.
                    3. Assessment: Questions on page 267 of text
                    Students will read the poem and practice making predictions
                    In groups, students will create analysis paragraphs and debate their interpretation of the poem versus the author’s purpose
                    11.A.2.4.1 Identify main ideas and supporting details from the text
                    11.B.2.1.1 Interpret personification, simile, metaphor, hyperbole, satire imagery, foreshadowing and irony 

                    Wednesday, December 4, 2013

                    Haiku Poems

                    Goal: Students will analyze poetry Students will interpret and make conclusions about the meanings and structure of the poems
                    Students will be introduced to different structures/ formats of poetry: sonnet, haiku

                    Bell Ringer:
                    What is a Haiku
                    IV. The Haiku
                    Meet the Authors:
                    Basho- Most famous of the Japanese haiku poets.
                    -Believed that a poet must express the essential nature of an object

                    Issa- Favorite haiku poet
                    -led a life of hardship and personal loss
                    -Lived in poverty
                    -All children died in infancy
                    -His young wives died during his lifetime
                    -Found strength in small creatures and insects (Creatures whose lives are fleeting and appear overwhelmed by the elements)

                    The Haiku
                    -Can be read from line 1-3 and line 3-1
                    -The Camillia Flower

                    - Sumida River

                    -Discuss structure
                    -Students will Read BASHO and ISSA
                    (page 6 in packet)

                    1. What simple/ natural elements do these poets describe?
                    2. A haiku can make us see two things at the same time.  What two things do we see in these works?
                    3.  What does Basho describe in his haiku?
                    4. What small creatures does Issa write about in his haiku
                    5. A haiku can make us see two things at the same time.  What two things do we see in Issa's poem?

                    11.A.2.4.1 Identify main ideas and supporting details from the text
                    11.B.2.1.1 Interpret personification, simile, metaphor, hyperbole, satire imagery, foreshadowing and irony 

                    Monday, December 2, 2013

                    Frost Analysis

                    Students will understand and utilize literary elements to analyze poetry
                    Students will read a variety of poems
                    Students will apply a variety of reading strategies appropriate for reading poetry
                     (Listening, Identifying the speaker, Reading according to poetic punctuation, Using picture and imagery)
                    Students will read, comprehend and interpret poetry
                    Students will apply poetry terms during reading sessions
                    Bell Ringer:

                    Make a chart as indicated below:  Compare and contrast the two poems

                    "After Apple Picking"             |                    "Mowing"

                    1. Similarity                                       Similarity
                    2. Similarity                                       Similarity    
                    3. Similarity                                       Similarity
                    4. Similarity                                       Similarity  

                    1. Difference                                         Difference
                    2. Difference                                         Difference

                    Now that we covered two Robert Frost poems, it is your turn.
                    "Two Tramps in Mud Time"

                    Literal Definitions:

                    Pre-Reading Discussion:
                    Have you ever been in a situation where you did something you didn't want to do because you didn't’t want someone else to replace you/ look better than you?

                    1. Read the poem "Two Tramps in Mud Time"
                    2. Complete the graded worksheet

                    3. We will review the worksheet and discuss/ analyze the poem
                    4. We will add this poem to the chart we started in today's bell ringer.
                    5.  We will discuss patterns/ similarities in Frost's poems

                    Closure:  If time allows, we will complete the Study Island exercises
                    11.A.2.4.1 Identify main ideas and supporting details from the text
                    11.B.2.1.1 Interpret personification, simile, metaphor, hyperbole, satire imagery, foreshadowing and irony