Friday, December 13, 2013

"Generations" and "Night Clouds"

Goal: Students will be able to identify Cycles presented in text
Students will identify imagery and supporting details from text
Students will make inferences and draw conclusions based on text
Students will identify and evaluate text organization

Terms: Figurative language, imagery, simile and metaphor

Students will be introduced to Amy Lowell
Famous for her readings and lectures, as well as poetry.
Won Pulitzer Prize after her death for her writing
A pioneer of the Imagist movement
Influenced by haiku poets, the Imagists focused on a single, precisely presented image.
"Night Clouds" typifies Imagist poetry, with its strong central image and its rhythmic but irregular lines.

Pre- Reading discussion
"Generations"  will discuss their families and the importance of generations
"Night Clouds" will discuss shapes of clouds
1. Students will read the poems by Lowell: "Generations" and "Night Clouds"
2. Students will pick out Figurative language, imagery, simile and metaphor and imagery,
3. Students will discuss both poems
4. Students will analyze the cycles presented in both poems.
5. Students will compare and contrast both poems

11.A.2.4.1 Identify main ideas and supporting details from the text
11.B.2.1.1 Interpret personification, simile, metaphor, hyperbole, satire imagery, foreshadowing and irony 

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