Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Narrative Poetry

Goal: Students will read, comprehend, and interpret poetry
Students will relate poems to personal connections
Students will identify the speaker in the poem
Students will recognize elements of narrative poetry

Bell Ringer:  Explain the following statement:  One's immediate actions may result in immediate consequences.

Introduction to Rudyard Kipling:

Rudyard Kipling - 1865-1936
Most famous work:  The Jungle Book

Born in India to English Parents.
Spoke Hindustani and English as a child
Went to England for formal education
At the age of 18, he returned to India as a journalist

Many of his first poems appeared in newspapers
In 1907, he became the first English author to win the Nobel Prize for Literature

1. Students will read the poem pg 851 in the packet
2. Students will discuss How the passage has narrative and dramatic elements of poetry

Narrative poem- Tells a story and is usually longer than other types of poems.
-Like a story, a narrrative poem has one or more charaters, a setting, a conflict and a series of events that come to a conclusion

-Most narrative poems are divided into stanzas --- groups of lines that have the same pattern, rhythm and rhyme

Dramatic Poetry-
Poetry where one or more characters speak
Uses the words of one or more characters to directly convey what is happening
- Dramatic poetry creates the illusion that the reader is actually witnessing a dramatic event
A. How would you feel if you were in the regiment about to watch the hanging of a friend?
B. What might lead someone like Danny Deever to make a choice that he must have known would result in execution?
C. Describe the setting in Danny Deever
D. Of the two speakers, which has prior experience with military executions?
E. Why is Danny being executed?
F. What does Files-on-Parade mean when he says "I've drunk 'is beer a score o' times?"
G. Compare and contrast the two speakers
H. "Bitter cold" - CS excuse for the soldiers hard breathing
""A touch o' sun" - CS excuse for a fainting in the ranks
Are these excuses believable?  What really accounts for the physical problems of the men?

"To Satch" and "One Perfect Rose"

Friday- Poetry test - Be able to apply all of your terms

11.A.2.4.1 Identify main ideas and supporting details from the text
11.B.2.1.1 Interpret speakerr, hyperbole, satire imagery, foreshadowing and irony

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