Wednesday, April 2, 2014

451 Webquest

Our actions, decisions and perceptions are often influenced by others and outside sources.  Watch the following videos.

Use the note sheet provided to write down discussion topics
(when you hear a shocking/ interesting point, write it down)

Also, answer the questions as we go along:

Part 1:  Jane Elliot

Part 2 Jane Elliot Day 2



Fahrenheit 451 – WebQuest

Your Task: Complete this webquest to learn more about the events that inspired Bradbury’s novel, Fahrenheit 451.

Explore the following sites for information on the kinds of historical censorship Ray Bradbury discusses in Fahrenheit 451:

As a newly appointed member of the Excel High School Freedom of Speech Commission, you have been assigned to the Censorship Committee. The Commission is studying issues related to Censorship and has asked you to investigate some of the history of censorship in order to use the information to help the Commission make judgments about contemporary censorship issues. You will be using this Webquest to find information about some of the instances of censorship in which the Commission is interested.

Part I requires you to explore Web sites on censorship in the past and the present. You will be given a selection of websites related to these issues from which to choose. Take notes and  write out important information needed for your report to the Commission.

Part II is a list of modern day censorship issues affecting teenagers today. Select two topics about which you wish to report on to the Commission.


Part I
Explore these sites for information on the kinds of historical censorship Ray Bradbury discusses in Fahrenheit 451: For this part of the Webquest, I will be collecting answers to the questions that accompany each web site. Click on each link and answer all the questions in each section.

Step A:  Censorship
  1. What is censorship?

Step B: The burning of Hugh Latimer and Nicholas Ridley:
  1. Why were they burned at the stake?
  2. Why was Latimer confident that they were doing the right thing?
  3. Why would it be important to remind people of this history?

Step C: Nazi Book Burning:
  1. Why do you think the Nazis burned these books?
  2. How is this similar to why the firemen in Fahrenheit 451 burn books?
  3. In what way might these images have inspired Bradbury to write Fahrenheit 451?  

Step D: McCarthyism and Blacklisting in Hollywood: 

This site will take you to a page of links. Each link takes you to a page that tells a small part of the story of Blacklisting in Hollywood in the late 1940’s and early 1950’s.
  1. Who was Joseph McCarthy?
  2. What did McCarthy say had happened?
  3. Were his accusations true?
  4. What is "McCarthyism?" (according to the second paragraph)?

  1. What were the "Hollywood Ten" accused of?
  2. When did this happen?
  3. When did it end?
  4. Do you think it's right or wrong?
  5. In what situation do you think this could happen again?  Think about the politics today and give an example of how this could happen in today's society with the things of which Americans are afraid. 
  6. How might the Red Scare and "The Hollywood Ten" have inspired Bradbury to write Fahrenheit 451

Part II
Explore two of the following sites to look at censorship issues that are in the news today and answer the question.

A. Warning Labels on CDs
B. The V Chip
C. Book Banning
Topic #1 ______________
  1. Who is in favor of these limitations on freedom of speech? 
  2. Why are they in favor of them? 
  3. Who is opposed? Why are they opposed? 
  4. Which side do you agree with? Why?
 Topic #2 ______________

  1. Who is in favor of these limitations on freedom of speech? 
  2. Why are they in favor of them? 
  3. Who is opposed? Why are they opposed? 
  4. Which side do you agree with? Why?
The webquest is due on Tuesday.  We will have half the class to work on the quest.  We will go over the answers the second half.

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