Friday, February 20, 2015


Renaissance/ Shakespeare history test on Monday, 2/23:  LINK


Goal: Students will review Shakespearean history
Students will label the Globe Theater
Students will be able to understand positioning on the Globe's stage.


Born around the 23rd.......Birthday recorded: April 26, 1564

Death: April 23, 1616

Parents: John Shakespeare  - Stratford Upon Avon
-Had shops and held various offices

Mary Arden

Married: Anne Hathaway (7-8 yrs older).  Hastey marriage


Suzanna - May 26, 1583 
Hamnet & Judith - Feb 2, 1585

**Hamnet died at age 11

1590 - Joined an acting group called THE LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S MEN
1603- KING'S MEN (Under James the I)

Education: Elizabethan grammar school
(Classical education until age 14)

Butcher, school master, actor, playwright, and poet, Joined Globe Theater

Renaissance Man- A highly cultivated man who is skilled and well-versed in many of the arts and sciences.
-He understood human nature
-He wrote his emotions in his characters
-He had a 16th century Mind:  Everything in the Universe follows a certain order.  When any element was out of order, everything breaks down:

Shakespeare showed this view through:
-earthquakes, etc

**When these types of events happen, someone dies or loses a love.

Shakespeare's classic tragedies:
-Protagonist = tragic hero
   Always of nobility
   Always has tragic flaw
   Choice will lead to suffering
   Accepts his flaw and death
   Dies-usually at his own hand or the hand of a loved one
Notes: Plot deals with rightful succession of throne

madness = mirror
Sanity = blind


day, February 10, 2013

The Globe Theater


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