Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Scream


Thursday, August 22, 2013

Bell Ringer:  In a few sentences, describe the clock without being evident.  (Be creative)
8/23  Determine the meaning of the underlined word using the context clues surrounding the term. (Write the entire sentence, write the answer, and draw an arrow that shows the key part of the sentence that helped you determine your answer

ILL will between the two families goes back so many generations that nobody remembers what originally caused the animosity.
A.  strong dislike      B. admiration  C.  great fear
Reflective writing:

The need to think reflectively improves your ability to read critically and analyse ideas presented in class as well as daily experiences. As you write, you clarify your own understanding. The process of thinking and writing reflectively helps you to lay philosophical foundations for all of your creative work.

Thinking reflectively helps you:

Understand the concept of reflective writing
Recognise the benefits of reflecting on your developing an idea or philosophy

Click on the following link to view the painting:

Painting: The Scream
Artist: Edvard Munch

ASSIGNMENT: Study the painting above. Place yourself in the composition and experience the message that the artist, Edvard Munch, is attempting to convey. If you are the person Munch is painting, what have you just experienced? Why are you here? What is Edvard Munch's message? What do you see? Incorporate the following concepts into your essay:

1. Your emotional reaction

2. What emotion is being expressed?

3. How do the colors influence the emotional impact? (Comment on the use of color, direction, brushstrokes used)

Closure Activity: 
At the end of each class, students will evaluate their work. This will promote the ability to self and peer edit. It will also facilitate the goal of positive response. 

Daily Closure Activity:(Click on the appropriate day when completing the closure activity 
Thursday, 8/22: Would you describe your responses as figurative or literal? Explain 

Standard - 1.2.11.C: Examine the author’s explicit and implicit bias and assumptions, beliefs about a subject, use of fact and/or opinion, and/or the author’s argument or defense of a claim as related to essential and non-essential information.
Standard - 1.8.11.C: Analyze, synthesize, and integrate data, creating a reasoned product that supports and appropriately illustrates inferences and conclusions drawn from research.


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