Friday, August 16, 2013



World Literature Syllabus
Grade 10
Course # 021
Contact Information:   
 Mrs. Theresa Christian

Prentice Hall Literature Grade Ten (Penguin Edition)
Fahrenheit 451

Course Description:
This course gives students a background in the various forms of literature— novel, short story, essay, poetry, and drama. It reviews and continues to expand skills in speech, writing, vocabulary, grammar usage, and literature appreciation.

Successful completion of Grade 9 English

1.1                Reading Independently
1.2                Reading, Analyzing and Interpreting Text
1.3                Reading, Analyzing and Interpreting Literature – fiction and nonfiction
1.4                Types of Writing
1.5                Quality of Writing
1.6                Speaking and Listening
1.7                Characteristics and Functions of the English Language
1.8                Research
1.9                Information, Communication and Technology Literacy

Content Information:
Content will include literature selections from around the world and will include multiple genres. Genres will include both fictional and nonfictional prose, drama, and poetry. All students enrolled in the World Literature course will read pieces from the aforementioned genres but may do so at different times throughout the year.

Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:
Understand and share knowledge of World Literature.
 Understand and explain the literary terms utilized throughout the course.
 Analyze both prose and poetry.
Evaluate literature in a variety of genres.
 Produce prose and poetry which meet the academic standard for quality of writing.

Course Outline:
The following represents an approximate timeline for the course.  Variation may be necessary to better meet the needs of the students

Marking Period One:
·         Short Story Unit
·         Completion of critical essays/ projects relative to major works studied
·         Vocabulary development
·         Response journals
Marking Period Two:
·         Poetry
·         Nonfiction
·         Completion of critical essays/ projects relative to major works studied
·         Vocabulary development
·         Response journals
Marking Period Three:
·         Nonfiction
·         Drama – Julius Caesar
·         Completion of critical essays/ projects relative to major works studied
·         Vocabulary development
·         Response journals
Marking Period Four:
·         Drama – Julius Caesar
·         The Novel
·         Completion of critical essays/ projects relative to major works studied
·         Vocabulary development
·         Response journals

Grading Policy:
a.        Grades will be calculated on a total points system for each marking period.
b.       Quarterly exams will be given each marking period.
c.        Assignments will be “weighted” based on level of work required to complete.

Classroom Procedures:
1.        Respect yourself and the rights of others
2.        Be prepared for class with the appropriate materials.  You will NOT be allowed to return to your locker.
a.        Bring your textbook, notebook, folder and writing utensil
b.       Bring completed homework
3.        One person talks at a time
4.        Work:
a.        If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what was missed in your absence and to make it up.
b.       As per district policy, you will have the number of days absent plus one to complete any missed work for full credit.
c.        If you skip class, your work cannot be made up. You will receive a zero for any graded work assigned that day.
d.       Turning in late assignments is discouraged; however, in some circumstances, it will be accepted for a deduction of  
five points/day. Please note, if the assignment is “long standing”, late submissions will NOT be accepted as per district policy.
5.        Compliance with District Policies:
a.        Passport-required to leave the room; must be your own.
b.       Dress Code-read the handbook; violations will be reported to the office.
c.        Food/Beverages-Only items from the coffee shop are to be visible in the hallway; however, I will allow water bottles/snacks if the classroom is kept neat AND if said items are kept stowed in a backpack/purse/etc. when in the hallways.
d.       Backpacks/Gym bags/Purses-These may be brought to the classroom, but each must be stowed in the front of the classroom. If a bag needs to be taken to the restroom, please do so with a minimum amount of disruption.
e.        Cell Phones/Electronic Devices-These items are NOT to be visible in the hallways or classrooms. If seen, they will be confiscated. AT NO TIME is texting or use of social media allowed. These items is not permitted, they must be stowed in gym bag/backpack/purse/pocket.

Multiple forms of assessment (both formal and informal) will be used throughout the year to determine student need and progress. These may include, but will not be limited to:
a.        Quizzes
b.       Tests
c.        Homework
d.       Response journals (entries will be counted as test grades)
e.        Written Work (timed, formal, and informal)
f.         Presentations
g.       Projects
h.       Discussion (large and small group)

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