Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Renaissance History

England must always have a strong king:

1455-1475 - War of the Roses
Yorks -White Rose - Stuarts
Tudors- Red Rose - Lancasters
**Note secession of royal families below

1475- Printing Press - Gutenberg

1485- Henry VII

1492- Columbus discovers America

1509- Henry VIII - 6 wives; Catholic Church; Father of next three rulers

1516 Utopia - Sir Thomas Moore

1534- Proclamation of the English Church

1547-53 - Edward II

1553-58- Mary

1558-1603- Elizabeth I - Universal order
**Discoveries; Arts; Music; Writing; Sculpture; Military and Science/ Medicine
1558- Sir Walter Raleigh to VA

1564- 1616 - Wm. Shakespeare - 37 plays - Renaissance man

1603- Elizabeth dies - Stuarts take over

1603- 25- James I (king) - Union of England and Scotland

1616 - Death of Shakespeare

1640- Charles 1

1640- Civil War

1642- Theaters closed and Charles is beheaded  (Puritain beliefs)

1660- Charles II - Restoration of the monarchy

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